Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The First Step

Have been thinking hard these few days~ Thinking about the crossroads and the other side of it. Have even thought about taking master degree again~ *headache*

What I really meant by 'hard' is thinking beyond~ Way ahead even for like 10 years and 30 years ahead... (that's what happen when you get stranded and got nothing to do at home)

So everyone need to have a plan. And when you have a plan, you have to work towards the plan. And when it's a plan, it must be achievable and logical in the means of own capability~ So there must be also how to make it happen and a reality. If it's not, it's not a plan. (lecture time~)

It's kinda ridiculous for me to think and draw 30 years of plan ahead of me. But hey~ When I do the basic math, it doesn't sound ridiculous now. It's time to know what I want in life and how to achieve them in the years to come. And plans have to take account of the retirement age~ And that's why some people buy insurance and investments~

Talking about investments, my favourite topics of all time. It really does make great sense to start early. The perfect age to start at the early 20s (i'm still young, yay! LOL) to start making investment. As there are no such thing as quick money in investments, unless (I've done my homework) I get myself involved in stocks or bond investment (not very likely till I have like 1 million in my account) and participate in a direct sells (MLM) via people begets people begets money method (accompanied with 100% effort and motivation, this method can be real good investment for certain people) or the better worse to buy a lottery ticket everyday and prays that ONE day that jackpot may strike on my lucky day~

Planning 30 years ahead is easy. Very easy. What's hard would be our mindset testing our patience, consistency and effort in realizing such plan. More often than not, even it's a one year plan, one hardly can follows so what about 30 years you say?

And good news! I am officially employed with a private construction company! (dammit) Congratulation to me! Yay! Would be officially working as a Junior Quantity Surveyor on 3rd September 2012. There's a designation I can finally write while filling forms now~ HAHA!  

Mom seem deeply unhappy and still convincing me to quickly report duty to JPA. And even threaten by saying I can change into a new car (with my own expense of course!) if I get accepted into the government sector. What a deal! A new car! Woots! I can say bye bye to greeny!

Too much of thoughts these days~ My head gonna go KABOOM! Gonna concentrate on my career for the time being~

No money no talk~ And that's why when no money, there's always a blog for myself~

Till den~ ;-)


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