Yesterday just went for another marketing trip and met this annoying old person in charge. (what else you can expect from already-retired-yet-still-working fella) Talking to the old generation sometimes are demotivating because everything seem so impossible and usually have negative perspective way of thinking. Not so open and globally minded I can say.
Despite all the negative aspects from him, the value that he has are experience. And the very valuable lesson he portray to me or in fact is the ONLY lesson I learned from him :P are "Money Are Not Free". Common sense but it rings to me so true that people on the street don't give you money for free. They expect you to do something in order to give out money. What added-value you have that helps to return an exchange for money? If you don't, you won't earn a penny.
The best phrase I took is "Nobody will give you money for free hoping nothing in return except your parents"
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